Babies and Busy-ness
It's been a busy week again and I haven't had as much time to blog as I'd hoped to have.
But I know at least one person (and I'm sure there are thousands more who can relate) who has even less time these days to devote to her interests. Stacie has ceded control of her days to a pint-sized girl with a powerful set of lungs (and a penchant for projectile vomiting, apparently). Her nurse's tenure ended a few days ago, and it was a tearful goodbye. After the 10-day respite (a very generous gift from her family) Stacie and her husband have taken on round-the-clock child-rearing responsibilities. Though Stacie did manage to take a break long enough to email a photo of her daughter at one week old. I have a feeling such breaks will come less often once her husband goes back to work. Amazing how such a tiny little human being can have such a big impact on your life.
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