Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day

Today is Columbus Day, at least in New York, which doesn't mean a whole lot more to me than a day off from work. Though I found this history of the commemoration of Columbus Day interesting. Apparently, the holiday is not one of our more popular ones--at least, among Native Americans, who view it as "a celebration of conquest and genocide." Some places, like Berkeley, California, have actually renamed the holiday Indigenous Peoples Day. The state of South Dakota renamed it Native American Day in 1989. And in 2002, the Venezuelan government renamed the holiday Día de la Resistencia Indígena ("Day of Indigenous Resistance"). That's gotta score Hugo Chavez extra points with Fidel.
Unfortunately--or, fortunately, perhaps, since he works on contract and is only paid for the days he works--my husband did not have the day off. So last night, I went to New Jersey on my own to spend the day and night at my mom's place, a journey that required a subway, cab, bus, ferry, and car. But it still took me just about an hour each way. I didn't mind the transfers actually. It felt good to walk. In New Jersey, the only walks I took were across various parking lots from her car to the movie theater, the restaurant, or the elevator in her apartment building. I prefer Brooklyn to New Jersey if I have to live across a river from Manhattan. But the view of the city from my mom's ninth floor apartment is spectacular. Even after nearly six years in NYC, I am still entranced by the sight of the city skyline (though a little sad that it's not the same one I used to gaze at before 9/11).


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