A Reprieve
Funny, after spending three weeks worrying that our son would arrive early and scrambling to have the apartment ready in case he did, it now looks like he may be late. I went in for another Ultrasound today, after 48 hours of taking it easy and drinking lots of water (about a glass every waking hour--I spent almost as much time in the bathroom as out). This time my Amniotic Fluid Index measured a 7, which is on the low side but not low enough to take action. If it had been 5 or under, they would have admitted and induced me. Instead, they sent me home. The next appointment is scheduled for my due date: Friday. But the docs told me that our son still hasn't "dropped" and shows no signs of being in any rush to get out. He's already 7 pounds though, and I can feel his every movement--and see most of them, since he's pressing right up against my belly now. I sort of hope that they decide to induce me on Friday, just to get this process started already. I'm anxious to meet the little guy I've been carrying around for 9 months!
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